This project presents a record store that actively welcomes the community in. This is done by handing out loyalty cards, having a welcoming environment that appeals to a wide range of ages and tastes, and also by hosting community events. The loyalty cards are a way for the store to entice customers to visit frequently. After every purchase, a mark is crossed off on their loyalty card. Once the customer reaches a certain amount of marks on their card, they receive a free vinyl as a thank you for being a loyal customer. The aesthetic of the brand is also designed to be appealing and welcoming to any customer that might visit. The colors, logo and overall style are designed to appeal to a wide variety of personal tastes. This is done in the hopes of attracting the most customers possible, and also offering an enjoyable environment for all music lovers. Lastly, the store hosts events in order to promote a sense of community within the local music industry. An example of one of these events is a genre night. Each genre night focuses on a different music genre such as country, pop, rock and roll, etc. During the event there is live music, discussion, guest speakers and more. These events will promote connection amongst the surrounding music community, including music producers, enthusiasts and hobbyists alike. This store will give customers the opportunity and environment to relax and spend time enjoying what they love, music.